Plantar Fascial Rupture of the Foot: A case report

by Al Kline, DPM1  

The Foot and Ankle Online Journal 2 (5): 4

Plantar fascial rupture is rarely presented in the literature. Spontaneous rupture of the plantar fascia is commonly preceded by plantar fasciitis. A 60 year old male presents following an acute injury of his foot while playing softball. He presents with acute pain and ecchymosis to the plantar arch of the foot. Plantar fascial rupture was diagnosed clinically and confirmed on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This case discusses the clinical evaluation, MRI results and treatment of acute, spontaneous rupture of the plantar fascia. We also describe the MRI differences of plantar fasciitis and plantar fascial rupture.

Key words: Plantar fasciitis, plantar fascial rupture, heel pain, Magnetic resonance imaging

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.  It permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. ©The Foot and Ankle Online Journal (

Accepted: April, 2007
Published: May, 2009

Plantar fascial injuries are a common source of foot pain. Plantar fasciitis is the most common type of plantar fascial injury. The condition is characterized by small tears of the plantar aponeurosis that can cause inflammation and thickening of the plantar aponeurosis. The causes of injury are related most commonly to stress and strain. General injury to the plantar fascia can be divided into three categories: mechanical, degenerative and systemic. [1] Mechanical conditions such as pronation, forefoot varus and rearfoot valgus will often lead to increased tension and strain of the plantar aponeurosis. This may be exacerabated by increased activity and lack of proper shoe and in-step support. It is now widely accepted that degenerative changes can occur within the plantar fascia due to repetitive micro tears and peri-fascial edema termed plantar fasciosis. [2] This is characterized as a degenerative process of myxoid degeneration without inflammation. [2]

There are also a number of inflammatory systemic conditions that can cause plantar fasciitis. These include rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, Reiter’s syndrome, gout, Behcet’s Syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus.3 In general, the etiology of arch and heel pain can be mulifactorial in nature. When tension along the plantar aponeurosis exceeds its inherent strength, an acute fascial rupture can result.

Case Report

A 60-year old healthy male presented to our office in acute pain. He presented with a limp. He stated that he had been having arch and heel pain of the right foot over the past month. He recently participated in a softball game. He states that while ‘sprinting’ to a base, he felt a ‘pop’ in his arch followed by acute pain and swelling. He immediately stopped playing and placed ice on the arch region of the foot. Clinical evaluation of the foot reveals an extremely tender plantar fascia with localized bruising or ecchymosis (Fig.1).

Figure 1  The plantar fascia shows bruising directly along the arch of the foot.  There is extreme point tenderness to this region.

Pain was palpable along the entire course of the plantar fascia and more pronounced along the central arch. The patient was sent for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) confirmation to rule out plantar fascial rupture. Pain was palpable along the entire course of the plantar fascia and more pronounced along the central arch. The patient was sent for MRI confirmation to rule out plantar fascial rupture.

MR Imaging and Findings

MRI shows classic signs of fascial tear and rupture. Multiplanar, multisequence images were obtained showing increased thickness of the plantar fascia up to 10mm with convexed dorsal thickening. A classic fusiform appearance of the fascia is seen in the region of rupture.

The sagittal image also shows intrafascial high signal echo on T2 imaging consistent with plantar fascial disruption of the fibers. (Fig. 2)

Perifascial edema (arrow) is seen along the deeper musculature adjacent to the plantar aponeurosis. The coronal view on STIR or inversion recovery sequencing shows dramatic intrafascial edema and hemorrhage. Again, fusiform thickening of the musculature and plantar aponeurosis is appreciated. (Fig. 3)

Figure 2  T2 sagittal image shows a central thickening up to 10mm with enlargement and nodular thickening of the plantar aponeurosis.

Figure 3  STIR (inversion recovery image) coronal views also shows intrafascial edema and hemorrhage.

Axial imaging shows increased signal intensity on T1 and T2 imaging with appreciable intrafascial and perifascial edema. (Fig. 4 A and B)


Figure 4A and 4B  MR Axial imaging shows T1 image (A).  The T2 image shows increased perifascial, intrafascial and muscular edema. (B)


Treatment of plantar fascia rupture depends on the extent of injury confirmed by MRI findings and activity level of the patient. Our patient was active for his age and his overall injury was acute and extremely painful. In this respect, we recommended the patient wear a non-weight bearing cast for 4 weeks.

We placed him on NSAIDS for 2 weeks during his casting period. His recovery after casting included local stretching and physical therapy. We also placed him in orthotics.


The clinical presentation of acute plantar fascial rupture differs from plantar fasciitis. The pain of an acute rupture is located more distal to the insertion of the plantar fascia and bruising is commonly seen along the middle of the arch. Clinically, this is extremely tender to touch and the patient will have trouble walking. Most often, clinical evaluation, activity of the patient and onset of pain will help the practitioner determine the extent of injury and determine fascial strain or fasciitis from actual tear or rupture of the plantar fascia. Radiographic evaluation lacks the proper contrast resolution for proper differentiation of plantar fasciitis and fascial rupture. Fascial thickening and perifascial edema can be seen on enhanced soft tissue radiographic imaging. However, MR imaging is superior in differentiating acute plantar fasciitis, chronic plantar fasciitis from partial or acute plantar fascial rupture. MR imaging will determine the exact localization and extent of fascial injury. In this regard, the proportionate thickness and amount of edema will help the practitioner determine the proper course of treatment.

The attachment of the plantar fascia is best demonstrated on coronal images. The entire course of the aponeurosis is best seen on the sagittal images. Visualizing of the medial fascial band is best seen in the sagittal and coronal views. The lateral band is best observed with oblique imaging, although sagittal and coronal images can also be used. MR imaging studies also show a difference in findings when comparing fasciitis and fascial rupture. In plantar fasciitis, there is often thickening of the aponeurosis as seen on sagittal image without actual disruption of the fascial fibers. The appearance of the plantar fascia is usually thickened and uniform. In plantar fascial rupture, there is often a fusiform appearance of the aponeurosis.

There is also widespread abnormal high signal intensity infiltrating perifascial soft tissues consistent with local edema. The most consistent finding in acute partial or complete rupture of the plantar aponeurosis is fusiform thickening of the fascia with abnormal, intrafascial signal intensity. Theodorou, et al., studied MR imaging of 14 patients with partial or complete rupture of the plantar fascia revealing abnormal, fusiform thickening of the plantar aponeurosis in all patients. All patients showed abnormal absence of T1-weighted low signal intensity of the plantar aponeurosis at the site of complete rupture or partial loss of T1-weighted low signal intensity respectively. [1]

Treatment can vary on extent of injury and activity of the patient. In earlier studies and before MR imaging techniques, patients with rupture were often treated conservatively using crutches, ice packs, anti-inflammatory agents and foot straps. Diagnosis was simply made by presentation of acute symptoms such as severe localized swelling and acute tenderness. As the swelling diminished, there is often a palpable defect that is replaced by a hard mass that gradually became less tender. [4] Leach, et al., reported suspected partial ruptures in six long distance runners who were treated conservatively. Only one patient required surgery for persistent swelling, undergoing a fascial release. They reported full recovery of all the long distance runners back to their original pre-injury activity with no deleterious effects, even in the one surgical patient. Now, with the aid of MR imaging, diagnosis and treatment can be more specific to extent of injury.

This case highlights clinical and MRI findings in a patient with plantar fascial rupture following an acute injury while playing softball. A fusiform appearance of the fascia on MR imaging was consistent with plantar fascial rupture and the patient’s clinical presentation. In its largest point, the intrafascial edema can increase the thickness of the fascia to over 10 mm. The normal thickness of the plantar fascia is about 4 mm in thickness. In cases of plantar fasciitis, the thickness can increase to 8mm. Most fascial ruptures and partial tears show an increase in thickness of the fascia of 10mm or more with intrafascial high signal intensity of T2 weighted MR images.

In plantar fasciitis, the MR T2 weighted imaging or bright signal intensity is not actually seen within the fascia, but can be readily seen perifascially. If a bright signal is seen within the fascia, it will represent rupture of the fascial fibers confirming the diagnosis of plantar fascial rupture.


1. Theodorou, D.J., et al.: Plantar fasciitis and fascial rupture: MR imaging findings in 26 patients supplemented with anatomic data in cadavers. Radiographics. 20: S181- S197, 2000.
2. Lemont H, Ammirati, KM, Usen N: Plantar fasciitis: A degenerative process (fasciosis) without inflammation. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 93(3): 234 – 237, 2003.
3. Barrett SL, O’Malley R.: Plantar fasciitis and other causes of heel pain. American Family Physician 59 (8), 1999.
4. Leach R, Jones R, Silva T: Rupture of the plantar fascia in athletes. J Bone Joint Surgery 60A (4): 537 – 539, 1978.

Address correspondence to: Al Kline, DPM
3130 South Alameda, Corpus Christi, Texas 78404.

1 Adjunct Clinical Faculty, Barry University School of Podiatric Medicine. Private practice, Chief of Podiatry, Doctors Regional Medical Center. Corpus Christi, Texas, 78411.

© The Foot and Ankle Online Journal, 2009

53 responses to “Plantar Fascial Rupture of the Foot: A case report

  1. Thank you for posting this report. I have recently experienced the same condition as the gentleman with the ruptured Plantar fascia tendon. The podiatrist I went to really did not do anything other than say “you torqued the tendon”. When I asked about an MRI he said to wait a month. Also, I was playing volleyball when it occurred (lunged after a ball) and when I asked how I can keep from having this happen again, he just said “you can’t”. That’s crap! This article gave some hope and I will follow the regimine perscribed above. I will also start looking for a new podiatrist. Thanks again.

  2. I have had planterfacia pain for over a year had been seeing a podiatrist that recomended custom inserts that i purchased that gave some relief for a few weeks a couple different anti inflamitorys with no help. I work on appliances and stand almost ten hours a day after a really busy day that had me gimping from the pain when i got out of bed the next morning i felt a series of snaps on my first step followed by the bad pain. I went to a different doctor that says it ruptured the tendon.I am upset with the first doctor that he didnt tell me that i needed to be careful i just assumed that if i could deal with the pain that that would be the only problem now i am told to stay off my foot with an air cast for 4-6 weeks this is going to cost me all my vacation time and i will have more doctor bills that i will struggle to pay.

    • Hi Kevin,

      I hope you’re fully recovered. I felt a pop in my foot when I was running for the bus. I went to a Urgent Care clinic the next day and had x-rays. The doctor diagnosed me as having plantar faciitis. I asked him if an air cast would help, and he said it would not support my arch. So after dealing with 3 weeks of pain I saw a podiatrist, who diagnosed that I had torn my plantar fascia. Now I have to wear an air cast for 3 weeks, when I could have been healing for the past three weeks. I’m angry like you, that I have to pay 2 doctors to get a correct diagnosis and that I’ve suffered unnecessarily.

      • Hi Kevin ,

        I was at the gym yesterday and I felt a pop in the heal of my left foot. I went to the hospital they took an exray of the foot and sent be home with mortin. Do you think I should go to a podiatrist I don’t want this to be an ongoing problem and I want to get back to the gym asap

  3. I’m a 50 year old physician (trained in the early 80’s)and marathon runner (for 20 years) who self- diagnosed a plantar fascia tear following a half-marathon. I did not request any radiologic evaluation. The report above is helpful because this condition was difficult to differentiate (from other causes of heel/arch pain)prior to MRI; conventional x-rays are useless. Hence, many physicians and podiatrists may not be up to speed on the condition because they did not train when the diagnosis could be made so precisely.

    Having said this, if the patient describes acute onset of non-traumatic heel/arch pain during athletic activity, followed by the arch tenderness and ecchymosis (bruising)described above, along with a sense of fullness (“I feel like I’m walking on half a golf ball or half a baseball”) from the hematoma, the diagnosis is almost certainly a plantar fascia tear. An MRI is not needed if the clinician has this kind of evidence. Conservative treatment (cast/boot) will cost less than the MRI itself.

  4. Dr. Anderson, I whole-heartidly agree with your assessment. However, in this day of medical malpractice, It is almost certain that all physicians treating a suspected plantar fascial tear will perform an MRI to confirm the diagnosis.

    • Also, the sensation of ‘fullness’ to the arch is usually very pathognomonic. I have seen this in a number of ruptures as a subjective complaint. This also, in itself, will differentiate the diagnosis from typical plantar fasciitis.

      • Kit Richards

        When I step on my right foot I have this feeling of “fullness” centered just behind my toes about 25mm in diameter. It started about 2 months ago. After about a week it vanished for about a week, and then return and is constant. However I have never had any pain or trauma associated with it. Is this consistent with a ruptured plantar fascia?

    • okay plantar rupture clinically diagnosis only…PCP just gave orthotics…..ortho surgeon put me in the boot for 3 weeks …..i work on my feet 8-12 hr shifts….no MRI was suggested. 13 DAYS post injury bruising & swelling is gone. Should i sleep in this boot?

  5. 17 months ago I had a rupture. I was a boot for over 2 months and gradually weaned out of it but to this day I still have pain. Somedays none but others intense when walking. I really miss being able to walk more than a mile.

  6. about 1month ago I start having a lto of pint in the foot so i went to the doctor an he did a mri an found out I had a rupture facia an I was place in leg cast one weekm later I had that remove now Iam a bootan still have a lot of pain how long will this last? when will then I ever be ok. thanks. mrs. smith:

  7. I recently tore my plantar fascia. I had a great experience with the doc, though. I fell off a step ladder while hanging curtains. I knew I had done something to the foot, but I was hesitant to get seen for it because I thought that ice and rest would be enough. Two weeks later, I finally went in to the orthopedic convenient care clinic locally to have it checked out. After an examination of the foot and x-rays, which confirmed I did not fracture the foot, I was booted and MRI’s were ordered. I was told, however, that by the doc that she would bet good money that I had torn the plantar fascia. She was right. I have another two weeks in the air cast…UGH. After reading everyone else’s experiences, I’m glad I had a good doc, who knew what to look for.

  8. Hi to all who have had this injury, I ruptured my plantar fascia and immediately went to see my orthopedic surgeon. He put it in a cast immediately and we worked down to a full walking book and then started with injections and a follow up of shock wave therapy. I have had MRI and full sets of x-rays done at the onset and it was a mess, just hanging on by a thread. I also used anti-inflamatory meds and pain meds due to the pain it was just horrible. I also started physio as soon as I got into a boot to help break down the scar tissue. I have done two sets of full shock wave therapy, one was good, second not so much. The difference is not the treatment but more like who administers it. My first fellow was a sports therapist and the second was a chiropractor, the second set was so painful and had negative implications so I would say find out who is doing this and talk to others who have been treated by that person.. the treatment isn’t supposed to hurt that much and the second time I was in agony which was the polar opposite from the first time..but our professional basketball team scooped that guy! I also wear orthotics and started to do hot bikram yoga and my foot is getting better.. better balance etc. I think the yoga helps as does the heat..but after all of this, it is never the same.. and my arch has fallen but my surgeon keeps an eye on things and I am just hoping for the best. I also use a night “cast” this I bought from a medical supply store, it is light and keeps your foot in a position that assists those with this problem- it helps and when I wake up- I don’t have that first thing in the morning pain! for those on your feet or still suffering I would try this.. I paid abt 85$ and put it through my insurance company which they accepted. Good luck to all- no one really understands how painful this is.

    • I too have pain for eight months and was wondering if this will ever get better> I heard there is no surgery to correct this>

      I am scared that I keep reinjuring it becasue sometimes I must stand or walk more often.

      Thanks for any type of feedback.


      • I had ruptured my plantar fascia 6 months ago, 1 1/2 years after rupturing my posterior tibialis tendon for which I had a calcaneal osteotomy and a double tendon transfer on the same L foot. I am an Ultra Runner and refuse to be denied a favorite activity of mine. I heard a loud pop while doing speedwork and my surgeon gave me the DX of Plantar Facial Rupture after an ultrasound. I attempted to run a 50 mile footrace 3 months post injury but dropped out after around 21 miles. The 3500 ft elevation climb and being stung numerous times by bees did me in along with the lack of a full healing. I stopped perspiring after the stings(I am allergic) and my clothes burned my skin from abrasion and lack of moisture. I also took a Benedril to combat the bee stings which knocked me off my butt. In the last three months I have continued to run twice daily about 10k each time. It still hurts to bear weight after rest but running actually makes it feel better. It is about halfway to complete healing. I require a hard orthothic to sustain my arch and hope to run the American River 50 for my 5th year in a row next April which is good since I ran my first ultra at age 50. For those with doubts it does get better. It just takes time and lots of stretching, icing etc.

  9. i have had plantar fasciitis for 2 1/2 years and nothing short of rest really did any good to ease the pain, not custom orthotics, not laser or ultrasound therapy, not NSAIDS, not night splints. I have had 6 cortisone injections in both heels and while that does ease the pain and swelling, i am afraid any more will irreversibly damage my feet, if it hasn’t already! I found 2-3 inch high heels without my orthotics did relieve the pain and that is how i have been surviving, though it is difficult to do EVERYTHING in heels…and i still cannot tolerate walking or running for exercise. yesterday while running to get out of the rain i felt a pop in my left foot at the arch nearest the heel and now cannot walk without pain. i have been using crutches to let it rest though that now presents a problem to my other foot as that one does not like to receive all of my weight! I am thinking i tore the fascia. some people say that is a good thing? what now!?

  10. I had plantar fasciitis for about six months. My doctor gave me stretching exercises to do and anti-inflamitories. This did not work and he gave me a steroid injection into the ligament. Unfortunately, this caused my plantar ligament to rupture – only i didn’t find this out until four months later when I finally got an appointment with a podiatrist (That’s the NHS for you). It’s now 17 months since the rupture and i’m still in a great deal of pain. I’m only 38 and my mobility has been really badly affected. I can scarcely walk a mile any more without being in deep discomfort.

    • I have had the same situation,I had 2 injections,one was in the ligament itself,my foot was dead for 3 days,and when the feeling came back,same old pain,nothing is helping,I have been on 2 anti inflammatory meds,nothing has changed,I have always worked on my feet,now the pain is unbearable,I don’t know what else to do?

  11. I have had this problem for about 3 months. My ortho doctor, who is only in his early thirties, should have a clue about this condition yet every time I go into his office he throws his hands up in a way that is not rude but makes me feel like there is no hope for me. He never ordered a MRI and I had to beg for a boot.
    What is weird is that I have no pain when my foot is deeply messaged or evaluated by my PT, it even feels good. I do not understand why the pain is so horrible when I walk when I have no pain otherwise?

  12. How are you certain you ruptured your fascia without an MRI? You may have acute plantar fasciitis or fasiosis. There are definitive treatments for either. Consult a foot specialist to ge the correct diagnosis. Patient’s shouldn’t have to ‘beg’ their doctors for a boot, if it’s indicated.

  13. I injured my plantar fascia June 1, 2010 because I had started aggressive walking, after being just a housekeeper for 25 yrs. I kept thinking every night, oh… it will feel better tomorrow morning…. I said this for for 2 weeks. Finally, I got sick of walking on my tippy-toes cuz the heel & arch pain was so excruciating…… I called & made an appt to go see a podiatrist at an ‘upscale’ orthopedic center.

    After the exam he said it’s probably a ruptured plantar fascia in the bottom of my left foot, and we scheduled an MRI. Then he placed my foot into what he called a ‘cast boot’. IMMEDIATE relief was felt :::sigh::: I could finally relax all my leg muscles and stand without pain after 2 weeks.

    I had the MRI done on June 18, 2010. I have a copy of the cd to bring to the podiatrist, but he has no openings until June 29th.

    He said I must wear this boot 24/hrs a day for at least 2 months, and then gave me a white lighter boot that must be worn every night and only at night, to expand the arch and relieve the ‘morning stabbing heel pain’ that is associated with plantar fascia injuries.

    I weighed this ‘cast boot’ on my postal scale. It weighs ‘only’ 3 lbs…. but boy I’m telling you, on some days it feels like it weighs 20 lbs to me.

    I don’t want any shots in my foot, I have heard horror stories about the pain of them, and have heard no good stories about them doing anyone any good.

    I hope this will heal on it’s own with rest and this boot. Cuz yeah….. I am pretty scared about having surgery on the foot.

    Well, keep your fingers crossed for me. June 29th Podiatrist will give me the results of the MRI, and his ‘plan of treatment’ for me. :::sigh:::

  14. Reading all these posts have been very informative for me. I was walking on Saturday(just across the room), and felt a pop in my left foot and instant pain and I could not walk on it. I have had foot pain for years and done stretching and have seen my chiropractor regularly. We went to the ER and they took an xray, sent me to an orthapedic doctor and he said he thinks I have a tear and need to rest and do activities as tolerated. I came home feeling completely uninformed. I tried to walk on the foot and by the end of the night I was in tears and had to take pain pills. I have been searching the internet for more info and if I understand…I need to be not weight bearing for a feww weeks to heal and then can seek the exercises and treatments to help with this condition? Can someone help me out here…is this the right thing to do. The orthapedic doctor said he would see me in a month. Thanks for any help you can give me!!

  15. In August of 06 I began working in a restaurant as prep cook. I had extreme heal pain in my left foot yet dealt with it as best I could. Did not even consider seeing doctor, never heard of plantar facitis. Looking back I had all the symptoms, extreme pain upon awakening etc. 3 weeks after starting I accidentally kicked a heavy iron object with my right foot, I was barefoot. Heard a snap went to doc got a waking cast for a break in the right foot. As I cruised up the sidewalk using crutches and weight bearing on left foot I experienced and heard a huge snap and extreme pain in left foot. So.. there I was broken bone in right foot and something snapped in left. Called orthopedic doctors asking for info( no money to see them). Was treated very rudely and no help was given. So I grabbed another waking cast?boot from neighbor for the left foot and wore both boots for a month or so, crawled on knees for the first 1 1/2 weeks. Got some money together to see orthopedic about snap in left foot 3 weeks later, PA said the visible swollen hardened mass up in the ball of my foot would be indicative of a ruptured Plantar Fascia.(NO xray , Mri, money,& no insurance) Since I could move my big toe, He said it could be partial rupture. Did get a cortisone injection(who knew, no money) into the mass to alleviate pain and it worked a little. Still glad I did it, though by November I still experienced extreme pain after walking maybe 100 yards.My left foot is now 1 in longer than right(when it use to be shorter) flatter than a pancake with no arch visible after having a beautiful high arch, and foot rolls inward. Wish I had had a clue that the pain in my heal could lead to a rupture. I now experience extreme sharp pains in left calf and up the inside of my left foot. No clue as to what to do.So I bike more than hike. Love it!!

  16. In July 2009 I was running and felt a pop in my left foot. The pain was terrible. Went home and crawled upstairs to sleep thinking it would be better in the morning. Needless to say it wasn’t. I went to the emergency room and they put me in a removable boot for about 3 weeks. I was released back to work and the pain continued to get worse. In April 2010 my right foot started to hurt like the left one. I went to the doctor and he said I had Plantar Fasciitis. They sent me to a podiatrist who immediately gave me cortisone shots in both feet. The podiatrist said I had Planter Fasciitis in both feet. Arches were ordered and was worn as specified. The pain subsided a little bit but still no releif. Went back to see the podiatrist and got another cortisone shot in my right foot and was directed back to work, I could barely walk. Got a new podiatrist who said I ruptured the Plantar Fasciitis in my left foot (over a year ago) and have severe Plantar Fasciitis in my right foot due to over compensation. He ordered an MRI for my left foot and put a cast on my right foot. Did I mention the initial injury was while I was on duty and is comp. You would think the injury to my right foot could have been prevented if they would have treated my left foot the appropriate way back in 2009.

  17. I jumped on a spade with all my weight on the plantar fascia(as Ive now found out) For 4days I had a crampy burny pain in the arch of my foot.On the 5th day I climbed 30 odd stairs and then my ankle, achilles tendon and whole foot hurt like a very very bad sprain. I couldnt put my foot down for 2days so today went to my doctor. My foot was x rayed-no broken bones. I was given a tubi grip,advised to take painkillers and told to walk on it. I have just realised that I cannot lift my foot up and have a hot burning sensation just in front of my heel bone. Help! What should I do? Should I get another opinion? Thanks.

  18. I tripped over the dogs leash and had a terrible fall only 6 weeks after having back surgery. I completely tore the fascia in my right foot the week before the 4th of July of this year. I went to our local Med-One that weekend and then to my family doctor that week. He sent me to my orthopedic surgeon after having an MRI. My orthopedic surgeon who was a very well known surgeon and had done my rotator cuff surgery..”looked” at my foot and said he really did not know what to do but would send me to another dr. after a month of chasing paper work and phone calls it ended up that the other dr. sent him treatment recomendations which was physical therapy. I was only wearing a shoe from the ER at that time and asked for another one because I kept having to wash it. The pain was terrible. I spent 6 weeks in PT and wore another “good” shoe but it was not very good according to my physical therapist. after 6 weeks I am still not doing well at all and the suggestion of a moon boot and more PT has been made. my concern now is that I have damaged my foot to a great degree by this time. I am an active person..and it is very hard to completely stay off your feet for 4 months!!! I have not had much of any advice from my doctor and have tried to get an appointment with the “foot doctor” he consuted..but was told that he refused to see me and I needed to just continue my PT. I am so frustrated and worried and can’t shake my ortho doctor to even get to another doctor.

  19. hi

    I really feel for all of you above, i’m sat yet again on the sofa in agony.
    I got myself a collie 2 years ago and went from doing very little excersise to walking him at least a few miles a day (in the hope of losing weight). I didnt even consider wearing FitFlops would have such a negative effect, I have been in agony now for 2 years.
    I have had steroid injections in both feet (horrendous) and although they did give relief, it was not for long, the pain was back within 2 days.
    Most recently i have had a MRI scan, and am now undergoing Litotripsy (shock wave treatment) i had my 2nd one earlier today.
    I am praying this is going to help as i am only 32 years old with 2 young boys, and its a real struggle to cope.
    I have been on crutches since before Christmas and off work due to the pain.
    Please can someone tell me there is an end to this, i slowly feel im slipping into depression and burst into tears at the smallest thing. ! Thank god for my lovely fiance who helps so much.
    I am due to get married in october this year, im trying to lose weight (its happening, slowly as cant get around) but am so worried i will be hobbling down the aisle on crutches.
    Good luck to you all out there with it.
    Any tips, please reply, im willing to give anything a go right now !

    • Last December I got up one morning and felt a slight pop in my right foot when I took my first few steps. It was really sore for a day or so but it pretty much stopped hurting and I wrote it off as being old and out of shape. Well nearly a month later it happened again only this time I couldn’t put any weight on my heel and the pain was crazy. I went to my the doctor the next. He basically did nothing. Steroid pack and Aleve. He told me to stay off of it and if it didn’t get better go to a specialists. So I the next day I went to an orthopedic doctor. After some very painful poking around he ordered a MRI to confirm the tear. A few weeks in a cast then a couple in a boot plus three injections and way too many Lortab and all was well. That was until yesterday. While shopping with the wife I felt a sharp pain in the same area of the tear. Even though it’s not a bad as before it really scares me to think this is happening again. Is there anything more I can d? I do the stretches and I’ve tried to be careful. Please help…..

  20. hi everyone idont want 2 repeat the story what all of us suffering from one thing i want to ask is iam walking on threadmill for 35m 5days aweak n lifting weights of 2 kgs to lose weight n to lose flabby arm am 32 years with 4 kid n housewife n am at 24*7 at work now m getting pain in left leg i want to know is it because of lifting weight n walking ppppppleeeeaaaase help

  21. FAOJ Editors

    I think it would be wise to seek the help of a certified trainer in conjunction with the help of a foot & ankle specialist. GL

  22. I am an active mom with four kids and last week while playing soccer I experience the SAME thing as almost everyone above. Went to head the ball and felt a **POP-CRACK** on the bottom of my right foot near the heel. There are a few on my team that have had the same thing and they all knew what it was. I borrowed a friend’s moon boot right away and went to the dr. the next day to confirm tear. Seems that mine is only a partial tear and it’s been 6 days and I already am starting to feel better.

    I also do crossfit and we have a mobility class two times a week and I started going after this all happened. Come to find out that calf tightness and all over body tightness can lead to this type of injury. We learned how to roll out our feet, calves, quads, hams, shoulders, back, etc. with a lacrosse ball the other day and MY OH MY…what a difference. I’ve been taping my foot with rock tape ( and it makes a HUGE difference. My doc told me to wear the boot during the day and the splint at night. But, with the tape I have been able to walk slowly around the house and keep the foot motion mobile. Of course when I know I”m going to be up and around for a long period, I wear the boot. It’s definitely more comfortable in the boot. Also, rubbing my foot and icing my foot 3-4x per day for 20 minutes plus is making a HUGE difference. I’m also making sure to use that lacrosse ball on my foot (avoiding area of tear) to make sure scar tissue can get broken up and not form along the area of the tear.

    There’s still some swelling but the bruising is now gone and for the most part the pain is gone. I never even really had more than a few mornings of discomfort before this all went down. I’d feel a little twinge on the bottom of my feet in the morning when I’d wake up but then it was gone by the time I’d get downstairs. I’m sure this will take the full 6 weeks to heal but I’m confident that it will heal. It’s big area of thick tissue that needs to re grip my heel bone.

  23. I had this same pop over a year ago, at the start of my year-long deployment to Afghanistan. I was just going to “walk it off” because I did not want to get sent home. I figured that if anyone in my medical unit felt it was bad enough, that they would suggest that I go home. Instead I did nothing but take NSAIDs. Now, a year and a half later, I finally see a doctor to find out that I had ruptured my plantar fascia and now have tendonistis. He says that my foot is just “mush”. He suggests I get orthotics, but will that really solve my pain issues? Has any of these stories gone to the extremes of surgery?

    • I live in the northern Rockies, USA and in November 1010 I slipped on some ice snowshoeing and really hurt my foot. I iced it, while watching a movie, but before the movie was over the swelling and pain was unbearable. I honestly thought it was broken, as the pain was horrendous. We went to the emergency room; they x-rayed, no broken bone, sent hope with anti inflam and motrin. Pain would not stop! Two weeks later, I went to my GP and he said that I had the injury, but to add insult to the injury, I also had a bone spur on the heel that was being rubbed by the inflamed plantar…. OK that sounded believable I guess? He recommended more anti inflams and the “roll it on the can thing” (which hurt, a lot, but I tried to do it!)

      In March, this sportsey Dude at work saw me hobbling around and he was the first person who ever said the words “Plantar Fascia,” he referred me his sports doctor. Armed with my x-rays and this horrible story, I went to his office… Which jock docs kind of irritate me, just saying… Without much investigating on his part, he pretty much immediately recommended the cortazone injection; which hurt like a m’fer and I almost kicked him with my good foot. But? Then the pain left and I was much better for about 3-4 months.

      Sometime in July, after a day of hiking in the Tetons, the pain started coming back mostly at night and first thing in thei morning… But? Then in recent weeks it has just gotten unbearable, again. I’m planning a trip to the DC area at Thanksgiving time and do not want to be hobbling around, so over the weekend I just decided that something had to be done!

      Yesterday, I went to a straight up, hard core, no bullshit, “let’s fix this” podiatrist (Praise God!) and after 4 x-rays, revealing nothing, he ultra-sounded the foot. Finally, after a year of this bullshit I found some validation. He made several mmmm like kind-of “I’m impressed” groaning noises… And then revealed that I ruptured the plantar last November and the scar tissue had been building all year. The Plantar was gone and the tissue around it looked like gross cottage cheese to me… Then he said that there is a massive amount of degeneration. I mean it looked like a black hole of bloody fluid to me?? He was clicking on and writing little numbers on the screen saying it measures 12 centimeters where normal is 2-3 millimeters??? Well? I didn’t know what a “normal” foot looked like, so he showed me what my right foot looked like in contrast and even to my untrained eye my poor foot looks very ugly inside! He said that while he’s seen degeneration in the achilles, he has never seen it in the plantar and that is saying something because he’s seen a lot of plantars! Talk about validation for me… ! Because I have been a year with docs telling me to roll it on a can and push through the pain and that “…it will feel better when it quits hurting…”

      So? In answer to the surgery question… This is our path forward. Because of my Thanksgiving trip and to provide some short-term relief, yesterday, he numbed my foot (which felt incredible to not have the constant ache in my foot…I mean, last summer it hurt to have my foot touched even to endure a pedicure, seriously.) Anyway, then, after it was totally numb… Well? I put that drapey-thing in front of my eyes, so I’m not sure what he did exactly? But from the looks on my husbands face, I’m sure it was not pleasant! I know he inserted a needle at several points and manipulated it in and out like, trying to break up some of that scar tissue. He kept asking me “…can you feel that…” and while there was some discomfort in the back of my heel, I really could not feel anything, so I just said “nope. certainly nothing like I’ve been living with the past year!”

      After the procedure, of course, I felt nothing, but that tingling numb feeling. Doc said he was trying to get the body to snap out of the “chronic do nothing to heal this situ” to recon the injury and maybe heal itself? That sounds like a stretch, but I’m a praying gal, so we’ll see. He also injected some steroids, so I should be able to take my trip and then the Monday after I return home (six weeks or so from now) he’ll untrasound it again and if the scar tissue has not broken up some, he’ll go in and remove the scar tissue and the degenerative fluid icky stuff and we’ll go on from there. I want to do it before the end of the year, because of insurance deductables. He said that repairing the plantar is not an option – I asked for a transplant (hahaha) but no.

      I’m not sure about the surgery, but I know one thing for sure, I cannot continue with this pain. It’s middle of the night here and yea it hurts. I am grateful I found a doctor who would listen to me, though. Doc did say that this was one for the text books. I just don’t understand why the emergency room doctor didn’t find the ruptured plantar, I think I want my money back from that visit! I guess the question I have is will surgery help? Any experience from the reader would be very much appreciated. God Bless.

  24. I am a ultra runner who recently tore the plantar fascia by 2/3 through while doing speedwork. It has been very painful I now wear a support sleeve at night and soft soled shoes. My surgeon recommended at this point if I was to continue running on it to stress it as much as possible to complete the tear (it will hurt for a week or two then go away if torn through completely). I don’t mind the flat foot as it was flat already but repeated speedwork has not torn it through. I am debating weather to have it done surgically. I am a post op calcaneal osteotomy and a double tendon transfer for a ruptured posterior tibial tendon 1 1/2 years ago on the same foot and have run 50 mile distances since.

  25. Interesting post. I share a Plantar Fascia injury. I was given a plastic open faced boot with straps to wear during sleep and it did take away the pain. It wasn’t a tear just painful for some time. Thanks for sharing, i look forward to reading more of your posts.

  26. I too ruptured my fascia in right foot, I work for a podiatry group and I was immediately put into a cam walker. My foot did not heal correctly and I ended up with a compartment syndrome in my foot. With the help of my doctor I decided to have surgery to completely cut my fascia all the way across my foot and had a heel spur removed. I dealt with pain in my heels for over 2 years and just could not take it anymore so surgery was the right choice for me. In the process of favoring my right foot I have destroyed my left foot and when I am fully recovered from the first surgery I am going to have a normal epf on my left. I am done with the pain and have 3 very busy children to take care of. Anyone who is suffering with this pain knows that it can make you crazy and 2 years was my limit. Take care of yourself and as soon as you have heel pain skip the family doc and go right to a podiatrist. If plantar fasciitis is caught early it can be cured with conservative measures. Don’t ignore it I am proof of that.

  27. Two weeks ago, I was walking across a concrete surface. Suddenly, I felt a pop in my left foot, behind my little toe. I felt extreme pain. I actually thought that someone had thrown something and hit my foot. I was looking around to see what it might have been.
    I soon realized that the pop came from inside my foot.
    I could hardley walk. I had no bruising but had plenty of pain.
    I have tightness in both feet in that same area. Directly behind the toes. Have not yet been able to see a doctor. The pain has let up, but I still limp. I drive trucks for a living and working the clutch pedal is terrible at times depending on how tight the spring happens to be. I move multiple new trucks everyday for a large manufacturer so each one is different.
    I am a type 2 diabetic and my numbers are not very good at the moment.
    I have had pain in the injured foot for quite sometime before the injury took place. The pain would mainly be on the outter edge of the foot. Any thoughts of what may have happend? Thanks

  28. I’m 28 and not very active. I’ve read all of your comments on here and I don’t run, or sprint, or play sports. I’m in sales so I drive 90% of the time. About a week ago the bottom of my right foot itched, so I went to itch it and I felt some pain. Like a pulled pain. So I looked at the bottom of my foot and I saw that there was a little red spot (maybe like a bruise) where the arch of my foot is also a little bump like a small ball, maybe the size of an eraser. My arch doesnt touch the floor when I walk so I was just thinking ‘how do I have a bruise on my arch??’ so I just ignored it. Also when I walk, it didnt bother me. NOW its starting to bother me. I limp..the pain wakes me up in the middle of the night. NOT SEVERE..but its annoying. I now feel that my foot is falling asleep….and as weird as it sounds, and right arm feels like its asleep. Maybe its two different things, but maybe someone else has had this happen??? I dont have insurance yet with my job..I have to wait for 2 more months and I dont have the money to see a specialist. I have borrowed someones walking boot and Ive been wearing that. Since its my right foot, I cant drive with the boot on…so I take it off when I drive. Am I doing the right thing?? Its making me nervous.

  29. Wow! Same thing happened to me. For a little over a year I was crawling to the bathroom every morning. One day the pain was gone! It happened to be Memorial weekend when my family plays baseball. I decided to play… first base sprint, pop, pain! I went to the doctor the next day and he said it was PF. He told me to stay off my feet for three weeks and get some shoes and inserts with support. What a miracle! It was like the past year and all my pain never happened. That was two year ago, and now after two doctors, custom inserts. ($$$) ,may different pairs of shoes, and now no insurance, the pain is worse than ever! Its all day long and even when I’m sitting and doing nothing, Sometimes ill be sitting there and freak everyone out because I’m flipping out from pain that comes from nowhere. (Kinda funny). The pain shoots and burns. Like a hot screw driver in my heel. Sometimes it cramps up at night. Now you barely have to brush the bottom of my foot and I cringe. Now I walk weird and it has inflamed the tendon in my other leg causing the side of my foot to be severely tender to the touch. What a mess! I am way too young and active to have these problems. I can’t hike, put my feet down when riding my motorcycle (tip toe cases cramping and popping) or even stand on my toes to get something out of the pantry! Do you think I need a procedure done or do you think I could do more (besides the constant stretching and anti inflammatory meds) to help? Do you think I would benefit from a plantar sock you wear at night? Oh yeah, my podiatrist said my spurs were very large, could this be a factor for the horrendous pain? He said a long time ago the spurs usually don’t cause the pain is that true? And neither doctor put me in a boot, was that normal procedure, or just one of many treatments?

  30. I already have a screw in my heal for a Calcaeal Osteotomy 1 1/2 years ago. It’s been 7 months since I ruptured my plantar tendon on the same foot and I continue to run. I can run as fast now as before the injury. I use a custom rigid orthotic with a Spenco insole. Currently I am running 35-50 miles per week down from the 70 before the injury. When I run the pain goes away. After my run the pain remains diminished for several hours. After rest(sitting or sleeping) it is very painful to bear weight. I tried not running for about a week or so last month but it made little difference pain-wise (actually the pain was slightly worse with rest). I like to wear Crocs for comfort. If I am going to be standing or walking several hours a day I find a cane helpful. I have now lived with this particular injury for about 7 months. I am currently taking Motrin 800 about 4x/day. Icing helps some. I hope that at some point this misery clears up.

  31. You can “book it” if you heard a pop you ruptured the plantar fascia or a combination of it and other tendons. I heard my “pop” just walking down the hall–immediate pain. I just hobbled around for 4 months thinking it would get better like a sprain. My problem was complicated because 75% of my foot is numb anyway from a spinal cord injury. In a way that was a good thing, I guess! However, the pain I did have was serious and at times debilitating–especially since I do a lot of walking between school buildings and in my classes. My internist had it x-rayed but the limited positions they shot did not show any fracture. After enough pain I found an orthopaedist who had fellowships (specialized training) in foot problems. I am not a believer in chiropractors or podiatrists. He x-rayed it again in varying positions which revealed I had ruptured the plantar fascia and there was also a small bone chip–whether they occurred at the same time he was not sure. He did not want to give me cortisone since I am type II diabetic and it would raise my sugar levels. Instead, I am in an air boot for 5 weeks and we will see how that goes. My injury was getting better on its on–but there were days when it continued to bother me and I was concerned that I might be doing further damage by not checking it out. I really wished I had at least iced it and seen an orthopaedist from the get go! Having worked at a medical school for a number of years, I can tell you to search out the best specialists you
    can find–even if you have to go to a large city outside your area. Many orthapedic surgeons specialize beyond their field of general bone medicine–such as specialists in knee, hip, shoulder, foot etc.

  32. Have had plantar fasciitis for 2 years …orthotics help some. Have had 3 steroid injections, the first I nearly passed out from the pain. Pain came back anywhere from 3 weeks to 3 months. Was concerned about the long term damage and was offered an amniotic fluid/tissue injection and feeling great. It was expensive but I feel better everyday. Still stretch at night but don’t have time for boots, PT, more shots!

  33. Tried mall waking and three weeks into it felt incredibly intense pain. Make a long story short, had x-rays and an MRI and MRI indicated I had an injury to the plantar region–swelling, inflammation, fluid–but not true plantar fascitis. It’s been two months but no relief in spite of taking Celebrex 200 mg and wearing orthodics. Cannot keep taking Celebrex because of other medical conditions. Doctor says injury is in strange area and is not confident that he can get Cortizone to it. Any ideas? Should I be trying to get him to boot it in some kind of cast? Crutches help?

  34. Have had this pain chronically, yet am so glad to have never heard this “pop”. Knowing the pain of tearing the fascia continuously, it is frightening to hear it described as audible- torn complete in one instance! It hurts even lying down or standing still like sciatica.

  35. hello doc. plzzzzzzzzzz help me. i have painful mass in the same place since two monthes but it become red and more tender last few weeks. no h\o accident. but i remember that may shoe was uncomfortable those days. every doc gave me different diagnosis. one who said it is hemangioma and other is abcsess. iam very scared.

    I feel for everyone on this site because I know how unbearable the pain can be. I had a heel spur (right foot), went to the podiatrist, he said it was PF. 1st visit he gave me 500mg naproxen, $30 insoles, stretch band. & frozen water bottle (didn’t help), 2nd visit he gave me a shot in he side of my heel. Hurt like heck and only lasted about a day. Didn’t want the shot at all but I was going to Las Vegas for 7 days and I couldn’t be limping in Vegas :-)! The pain went away for about 12hrs, but i only had miminal pain so I could deal with it. Well on my 3rd day in Vegas I was getting off the moving walkway at The Signaure at the MGM, and lowandbehold I felt a pop in my right arch, I nearly went down to the floor with pain. But I hopped to a bench and took my sandal off to take a peek, nothing looked out of place. But I was now limping again. About a day later the whole right side and underneath my foot on the right side is numb. Now it’s 6 days later and my foot is still numb, when I walk I feel pain and stiffness in my arch and up my leg all the way to the back of my knee. I can’t bend forward, squat down or flex my foot or else it’s pain city. I feel like I’m walking on one side of my foot because it hurts so bad. I’m going to the Dr, Monday something has to be done because besides walking I also work standing on my feet for 8-12 hrs aday. Does anyone think the “shot” has anything to do with the “pop”. I’ve noticed in some of the articles here a lot of people mention “shots” before the “pops”.

  37. I just got back from the doctor’s office,Ive had these large knot’s on the bottom of both feet and there both In the exact same location on each foot,my regular doctor wasnt there today so I had to see a lady doc,she was suprised that my main Doctor hadnt referred me to a podiatrist,she did not give me any diagnosis but she did say that they look like knots that are related to osteoarthritis,I never complain and Im a little to quiet about things that bother me but these knots not only are the most painful things Ive ever had to deal with but they actually had me thinking I had some kind of a terrible disease,I never knew or have never known of anyone developing Identical knots on the exact same place but on each foot?I weigh 240 pounds and Im not fat,I have played football for all of my life and 240 Is a lot of weight to carry especially when these knots are located on the bottom of my feet where all of my weight land’s..The lady I saw today has referred me to a local podiatrist,I hope that they can get these to go away,I dont want to be cut on but If thats what Its gonna take to get these gone the next time I leave a comment on here I hope I can tell yall how much bettter I feel,as for now,my son Is mowing my grass,my wife Is steadily putting bandages on my feet and she bought me some memory foam shoes.I am a very lucky man and Im so blessed to have a lot of friends.I just wany yall that are suffering with this same problem that everything will be fine.Dont give up hope,

  38. I have had Plantar Fasciitis for 2 years. It had almost destroyed my quality of life, I was going to apply to graduate school, but I just got lost in the pain. My pain is focused to the center of my arches, not medially and not laterally, and not in the heel at all. So, it’s a little atypical. I never heard a noise, but I didnt have to. The pain was so immense for the first few weeks, and it never went away, it just dulled and started to flare up after walking and standing. So, I feel aching and burning pain, it really only subsides when I am resting and sitting which is so unbearable no matter your age. I am 28 and was very active, I used to walk 2-3 miles per day with my dogs and I can no longer do that. I can’t even cook anything too involved. Anyhow, I got this condition because I have flat feet, I over-pronate, am overweight, and no one ever told me about arch support or motion control shoes. That could have prevented all of this. So, I spent $800 on custom inserts that were uncomfortable and made incorrectly. I settled on finding my own inserts. I then moved to the Powerstep Maxx and then I wanted firmer arch support, so I settled on the Powerstep Protech control inserts. These are almost identical to the custom inserts that I paid hundreds for, but they are smoother, softer, and have more shock absorption. I also wear the Brooks Ariel motion control shoes and I do the exercises. I have found some relief, and I expect more upon losing more weight. I have had to look into a pre-existing condition insurance because of this. Anyhow, the chronic cases certainly affect people differently and are commonly linked to post-tibial tendon disfunction and/or other tendon and ligament issues that go beyond the plantar fascia. This is why it is critical to have several MRI views and see a orthopedic doctor who specialized in only foot and ankle, SERIOUSLY. There are too many podiatrists, regular doctors, and even ortho surgeons who dont have a clue how to treat this! Many times, an MRI can miss damage that is revealed in surgery anyway so it’s tough to *really* diagnose the real problem that is causing PF. Some surgeons go in and are shocked when they find such a mess of the tendons and PF, so hey, there is always a cause for the pain. And this pain can be excruciating. Most people who are in chronic pain will try inserts, motion shoes, stretches, physical therapy, the aircast, the boot, shockwave therapy, topaz coblation therapy, cryo surgery, weight loss, and fascia release. Most people find relief with one of the later aggressive options so dont give up! There is hope!!! I am biking 10 miles per day to lose weight to help heal my condition. I imagine a weight loss of 30-60lbs will have a significant affect on the plantar fascia!!!!! KEEP POSTING STORIES, SHARE YOUR KNOWLEDGE, LET’s BEAT THIS. LET’S GET OUR LIVES BACK. xoxo. :) :)

  39. I had an MRI today after having foot pain for 3 months and then x-rays that didn’t show much. After the doctor looked at my MRI he said that I had torn, shattered, exploded my plantar fascia and that not too much could be done to fix it. ;-(

  40. I was hiking a year and a half ago and during the hike my heel started to hurt. By evening I was in excruciating pain, like a 9 on the pain scale. I figured it was plantar fascitis that I have had for the past 12 years so and iced it and stayed off of it as much as I could. After a while the pain was ab out a 4. I just thought it was still plantar fascitis. After six months a podiatrist gave me a cortisone shot. It did little to alleviate pain. Then I started to also have pain on the top of my foot with all the muscles and tendons inflamed. I lived with it for a year. When finally I decided to see another podiatrist and get an x ray. I was wondering if I cracked a bone or something. The x ray revealed that I had bone spurs, which I already knew. So he taped up my foot telling me it was planter fascitis and to continue the treatment of stretching, icing, night splints, and ibuprofen. I went back a week later still in pain so he decided to give me two cortisone shots. They were terribly painful. I called him after a week and told him they did nothing for my pain. So we decided to do a surgery to remove the bone spurs. Well, I talked to a friend of mine who is in medical school for podiatry and he said removing bone spurs in an antiquated procedure and no one does it because it does not help. So I called my podiatrist and told him I wanted to talk to a surgeon who specializes in foot surgeries. I think that Dr. was relieved as he had no idea what to do with me. I went to a specialist who immediately put me in a boot cast and ordered an MRI. The MRI came back and I had a ruptured planter fascia. Ugh. For a year and a half I had been dealing had this and now there was a lot of scar tissue. She said that every time I stepped on my foot I was re tearing it. The Dr. put me on non weight bearing for six weeks and a boot on. I’m currently in my fifth week. It has been torture. I use a walker and crutches to get around but mostly sit with my foot elevated. She says that I will then wear the boot cast for another month and will be able to bear weight. It has been and interesting journey.

    • I broke my rt leg in a motorcycle accident 2 yrs ago and placed a metal rod in my leg . I have had a tight feeling on the bottom of my lft foot for a few months . I have flat feet and I am on my feet all day. I recently played softball and was running when I heard a pop and felt a pull in my left foot . I played thru it but was painful . Next morning could not walk on it . Went to E.R. That morning was told I pulled a ligament . I’m on crutches and was told to see an orthopedist . I was favoring my right leg and possibly damaged my left foot . Will try different stretches and shoe supports to help with pain and prevention from reoccurrence .

  41. I am a 60 yr old male,living with severe lung disease and now have diabetes. I have had 5 vertebra broken in my back and 1 in my neck. I live with intense pain every day. I have had to quit working and my life becoming unbearable but its nothing compared to the pain in both my heels.I cannot walk without intense pain and there is basically nothing to be seen only a mottled pink discoloration in both heels. No cracks,just this mottled jelly looking heels. Please help me if you know of anything.Doctors are stunned. My Podiatrist hasn’t seen anything like it. My life is miserable because of this ailment. I need help

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